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Thomas Hefele

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Thomas Hefele is the conductor of M?nchenKlang since the ensemble was established in 2013. Having started to play the violin as a small boy, at the age of eight years Thomas Hefele (*1986) received a scholarship for exceptionally talented young musicians in Regensburg, Germany. In 2001 he started as a junior student (viola) at the University of Catholic Music there. Thomas Hefele collected extensive orchestra experience during his time in the ?Bavarian Youth Orchestra? and later in the ?Young German Philharmonic?.

During his schooldays at the Regensburg Cathedral Boys? Choir (the famous ?Regensburger Domspatzen?) Rolex Replica he started his vocal and choral work. Besides international concert tours (e.g. to Scotland, Hungary, Kuwait and Japan) he was active as a soloist and performed among others the leading role of a child in a CD production in a German musical.

Between 2007 and 2012 Thomas Hefele studied music (viola, piano, and trumpet) with the aim to teaching at grammar schools at the University for Music and Performing Arts in Munich. In addition tothat he started his diploma in choral conducting in 2010 and completed it two years later with J.S. Bach?s ?Mass in B-minor?. Afterwards he chose his master?s program in choral conducting under Prof. Michael Gl?ser and finished his studies in June 2015 with presenting the oratorio ?Paulus? by Mendelssohn, conducting the universities? ?Madrigal Choir? and the ?Munich Symphonic Orchestra?.

While still studying Thomas Hefele expanded his conducting activities and directed next to several smaller ensembles and choirs the ?Jung AGV Orchestra?, the ?Big AGV Choir? and the Ensemble ?M?nchenKlang?. Furthermore he worked at Munich Cathedral as the representative of the Director of Music (Domkapellmeister), was voice teacher for the girls? choirs and conducted the boys? choirs aswell as the young cathedral choir.